Published on 01-30-2013 08:36 PM
According to Mr. William Gheen, of ALIPAC, “Amnesty is being lined up and given a clear path by top Republicans and Democrats, with the intention to ram it through before anyone can see what’s in the bill.” Mr. Gheen has been at this a pretty long time and said that the plan for amnesty is tied into “Nation Building”. Once this bill passes, there is really nothing left to stop Obama and top Republicans from doing what they like in the future, as there won‘t be any way to stop them at the ballot box. When I asked Mr. Gheen about the chances of an amnesty bill passing, he said “70%, unless the American people stand up and call their Congressman and say you better not vote for this.” Mr Gheen however, was very confident this bill will be stopped by the American people.
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The American population has had to deal with many horrible bills passed in Congress, but none of them in the last forty years will be as awful as amnesty for millions of illegal third world immigrants. The current establishment of Democrats and Republicans want, and have wanted amnesty, open borders and a complete replacement of the American population that exists for decades.
The corporations get what they want in cheap labor, the unions get more members, the Democrats get millions of more minority voters, and the Republican insiders no longer have to deal with those pesky Conservative and center-right citizens who work hard everyday to live. The current fight over amnesty in D.C. is heating up right now, though the media and almost everyone is trying to make it seem as if amnesty is a forgone conclusion so there will not be a fight.
The last thing anyone wants is a fight, this stems from the knowledge that an overwhelming majority of Americans of all persuasions do not see the need for any more immigrants in an economic environment which is more difficult for working and middle class people to navigate with each passing day.
Open borders, unfettered legal immigration, and amnesty for these law breaking illegal’s will lead to a total transformation of this Country as we know it, the vitality that this Nation still possesses and the strength it can recover again down the road will be destroyed along with the futures of the citizen population here now.
The Amnesty Fight and America’s Future
28 Jan 2013
by Tory Perfetti
The fight for amnesty and open borders did not start in this decade, or the last, it has existed in the open for a very long time. In fact, we have played this record before, in 1986 under then President Ronald Reagan.
This bill was called The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, and it gave America the gift of citizenship for nearly three million immigrants in return for nothing but more illegal immigrants and their anchor baby children. Of course we were told that this was the last time an amnesty would be needed, and that from then on enforcement was the order of the day.
Anyone with a modicum of logic should be able to figure out the end result was the United States over the next fifteen years took in another twelve to fifteen million illegal’s and three to five million of their kids.
Congress rarely passes good bills when it comes to immigration. On one side, big corporations want cheap labor, on the other, Democrats want new voters. In the middle, the American population is being squeezed in every way possible.
Right now, millions of citizens are out of work and millions of jobs are being held by illegal’s. The argument is always that these people do jobs Americans will not do, but what never gets argued in the mainstream media is that illegal and legal immigration drives down wages. The reason for this is simple economics, when company A continues to import cheap low wage labor, company B can’t compete if said company hires workers at a fair wage.
So all those who say that immigration is good for business and thus America should be saying that illegal immigration is good for the smallest part of the population, the large corporate executive and those who can afford to buy their companies over priced stocks. Wage depreciation does not help any person looking to raise a family, buy a home, save for retirement, or pass something on to his or her children.
When millions of immigrants are being brought in to the job market for both low and high paying work, the native population suffers. A Nation can’t build a solid foundation on immigration, it must have the current people benefit first and always. If the process of amnesty takes place, the Country will never be able to provide for those in the working and middle class. The wage situation aside, there is an entire generation of American born twenty and thirty something’s which are now competing with legal immigrants. Many of these citizens struggle with simply paying for college, having to now deal with people who were not born here is simply adding to this Country’s economic pain for a large part of society. If this amnesty hits, say goodbye to success for the current population under 36 years of age.
The jobs picture is one part of the impact amnesty and open borders will affect, the voting picture is another. The media, establishment pollsters, Democrats and top level Republicans all say the reason we must have this bill for amnesty is because Hispanics are growing so fast. In the future they will be so powerful that every Party and group will have to court them.
The interesting part of this argument is that it has been made since the 1990’s. Why is that interesting, well in the 90’s, Hispanics were only about two to three percent of the vote. Of course the talk was about what they were going to be, but its never about what the reality is.
The reality is that though Hispanics are about eight to nine percent of the vote, they are highly concentrated in specific states. These states already have been voting Democrat for a while, even before Hispanics increased the total vote share in said states.
The New York Times, not a Conservative paper, has admitted that Romney would have lost regardless of Hispanic voters.
I mean lets be real, Ohio and New Hampshire don’t have millions of Hispanics rolling around voting for Democrats, but they do have a share of the population that can make a difference for Republicans.
White voters are the rock solid base of Republicans, and in the 08’ and 12’ elections, they did not turn out. In fact, they stayed home and chose to not vote for a party that no longer cares to talk about them politely.
Depending on the author, roughly six to seven million white voters disappeared from the 2012 vote. If 68% of white registered voters showed up, the white percentage of the vote would have been about 75%, rather than 72%. The way we elect our Presidents and Congressmen is by districts and states, not by popular vote either. This means that the Hispanic electorate has a long way to go before they make a major impact. The argument that Republicans need amnesty because of vote shares is a ruse to worry politicians who want to be reelected.
If Congress reduced legal immigration and cut off illegal immigration over the next five years, the vote shares of each group currently here would not change. Nothing is inevitable in the future other than what we make it in regards to immigration, and even if nothing changed, white voters with proper turnout will still dominate the next twenty five years worth of voting. That is a long time to be worried now, though amnesty will crush Republicans in the next seven years if passed.
After giving you a little background on how we got here, what is actually going on in D.C. right now, and where might we be headed. The easy answer is that no one knows what this fight will be like, but I had the pleasure of speaking to three of the most powerful groups in this Country fighting against amnesty and open borders. These groups are ALIPAC, FAIR, and NUMBERSUSA, all of them have a much clearer and stronger picture than most.
At the moment the amnesty fight has just started and is being brought to you by the same people who usually wrap bad bills in the language of bipartisanship.
According to Mr. William Gheen, of ALIPAC, “Amnesty is being lined up and given a clear path by top Republicans and Democrats, with the intention to ram it through before anyone can see what’s in the bill.” Mr. Gheen has been at this a pretty long time and said that the plan for amnesty is tied into “Nation Building”. Once this bill passes, there is really nothing left to stop Obama and top Republicans from doing what they like in the future, as there won‘t be any way to stop them at the ballot box. When I asked Mr. Gheen about the chances of an amnesty bill passing, he said “70%, unless the American people stand up and call their Congressman and say you better not vote for this.” Mr Gheen however, was very confident this bill will be stopped by the American people.
While not knowing if most Republicans will hold the line, or if any Democrats will oppose amnesty, I find it interesting that this bill is so good for America according to the establishment, yet has been prepared in secret by a very few pro amnesty politicians and lobbyists.
As this secret bill is being unveiled, only those who designed it understand what every last detail in it is. I must admit, seeing everyone line up in favor of amnesty reminds me of 2006, the last time a major bill on immigration was attempted.
This is not just my feeling, when I spoke to Rosemary Jenks, of NumbersUSA, she said “we see this fight repeating the 2006/7 amnesty fight almost exactly.” She doesn’t even believe an amnesty bill will make it out of the Senate, stating “this bill is not a foregone conclusion at all”.
NumbersUSA has not seen one member of either party changing their opinion on amnesty at all in the House, and that to solve this problem, Congress needs to pass E-Verify and enforce the laws on the books. I received a similar response of confidence from FAIR, their spokesperson, Kristen Williams, says “this battle is like 2006/7 and will be defeated.” She also stated “that on the Republican side, the same Senators left from 06’ have been joined by Senator Marco Rubio, who is pushing this very hard.”
While this is not breaking news, as Marco Rubio has been openly pushing this, I am wondering if he realizes when this bill fails, so does his shot at being President. NumbersUSA and Fair have been fighting the open borders advocates for a while, and are very good at it. Most politicians, even those that despise all of these groups, listen and pay attention when they speak, which should give many out there in this battle the security to keep going to try and stop this.
The fight is just starting, and will most likely be a brutal one, with opponents of amnesty being called bigots, racists and every other name in the book. This amnesty bill, if passed, will hurt all citizens regardless of color, ironically, it will actually hurt recent legal Hispanics as well. The question now is what to do next?
Well, if you are reading this and feel the threat amnesty and open borders poses, call your Congressmen and, tell them no amnesty ever, or you will vote for whoever their opponent is in the next election. You also need to stop donating money to the National Republican Party, and instead give it to individual candidates and groups fighting for good American values that will benefit real citizens. Lastly, you need to start trying to spend money purchasing goods at stores and companies which support American workers, not illegals.
The real solution to this problem is not amnesty, but a removal of the reason these illegal immigrants come here in the first place, American jobs.
If E-Verify is passed and social services, other than emergency room care is denied, illegal’s will leave in droves. Those that don’t can be deported over a few years after, leaving America much healthier. The other solution is to look inward, not out, and reduce the number of legal immigrants to below 250,000 a year. America needs to focus on allowing the people already here the financial opportunities to succeed and to be able to afford having enough children to sustain future growth. This is the real solution, not an endless campaign of cheap labor and wage deflation through importing millions of people a year.
Call your Congressmen, tell them NO AMNESTY, ensure a place for yourself and your children to have a better tomorrow.